Admissions Q&A

How much does the school cost?

We are always happy to answer this question because Sunset is tuition-free for residential 

How much support does a person need? students. Our Brotherhood believes in training preachers. The Brotherhood supports the Institute and its faculty and staff so that you can come and prepare to preach the word of God. See Budget and Expenses for specific costs for other things.

When it comes to the cost of living, Lubbock is less expensive than many parts of the country. Each individual or family will have its own needs and expectations. See Budget and Expenses for specific costs.

money handoff

How should I go about raising support?

Most of your support will come from people you know. Do not be afraid to ask everyone you know to help you prepare for the greatest work on the face of the earth. Also, encourage those who know you to share in your desire for training with others. A sample brochure can be sent to you as a guide for helping you prepare material explaining your future plans in ministry. This should be prepared early and ready for distribution once you have received your acceptance letter from the school. It is important that you complete your application in a timely manner once you have made your decision to come. Also included in the acceptance packet is a list of suggestions to help you raise your support.

Where should my supporters send their support?

There are two basic options for the collection and distribution of student support. The first option is that you arrange for a congregation to be your sponsoring church and have your supporters send checks there. That congregation then gathers your support together each month and sends it directly to you in one check. This is the best avenue for the collection of your support.

If this arrangement is not possible, your second option is to have your support sent directly to Sunset. The school will keep a ledger and give you a check on the 1st and 15th of each month. You will receive only what is in your account, and it is your responsibility to manage your monthly support. If your supporters choose to send their money through the school, they need to be sure to attach paperwork that tells us that the contribution is for you. You will also need to let them know that this does not mean that their support is automatically tax-deductible. That must be determined on an individual basis by their own tax adviser.

How you claim your support on your taxes needs to be discussed with your own tax adviser. We cannot give legal or tax advice.

What about housing?

Lubbock has literally hundreds of apartment complexes and normally a good supply of houses and duplexes to choose from. Due to Lubbock’s large college population, rent houses are harder to find once the college students start looking, so you need to have something secured by July. See Budget and Expenses for specific costs.

Sunset has limited avenues to help with housing.  The easiest and most efficient way for you to secure housing is to find it yourself, especially by taking advantage of online resources.  There are also several house-locating services and an apartment guide that is available online or in local grocery stores.  Log onto the following links to research housing: Lubbock Online Classifieds (local newspaper), Lubbock Apartments, The Thrifty Nickel (classified ads), City of Lubbock.

the bibles

Is my wife required to attend classes?

No, but wives are highly encouraged to be involved as much as possible in the Women’s Program activities and in school functions. Many courses will be of great value and encouragement for the husband and wife to attend together. Women at Sunset can choose from several levels of study or involvement, ranging from taking a single class to a full 40-course degree. Ladies' classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays with daycare available on campus if you have small children. For more details, see the Women's Program page.

Is it possible to work and support myself while I am attending Sunset?

With five core courses and a preaching lab every term, it will be almost impossible for a full-time student to have a job, and at the same time keep up with his/her studies. Sunset does not demand that a student in the basic program not work, but highly discourages it. If a student chooses to work, it cannot be at the expense of academic performance. The school does offer a three-year program that allows the student a reduced course load and could allow the student some additional time for employment.


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