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Ministers Needed

Below is a listing of congregations or works where qualified ministers or missionaries are needed. Please advise us when these positions are filled. To add, renew, or remove a listing, please see the yellow information boxes.

Please note that SIBI is unable to verify the accuracy of every listing, and that a listing on this page does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of any kind.

View all Minister Ads

Minister Ads 51 - 55 of 69

Full Time Minister

Woodinville Church of Christ

The Woodinville church of Christ, A congregation of 85+ in a small-town, is looking for a full- time minister with a heart for service and outreach to the community. If you are looking to work with a congregation who values life together outside the building, a dedicated core of workers, and work in growing and connecting a wider community, we want to hear from you! We are looking for a man who is adept at mentoring and team building, utilizes great leadership abilities, is organized, a good team player, and excellent interpersonal relationship qualities. Our congregation has weekly men’s and lady’s classes, a dedicated children’s ministry team, and deep ties to WBS and WEI and small groups.
To begin the process, Email us: SearchCommittee@woodinvilleCofC.org


Laurel Street church of Christ

The Laurel Street Church of Christ located in San Antonio, Texas is currently seeking a minister
who defines his ministry as preaching, teaching and equipping others to serve. We are a multi-racial
congregation of 55+ families that is seeking to grow.

The ideal candidate should have an in-depth knowledge of God’s holy and divine Word, hold fast to
Biblical truths and be able to effectively communicate those truths based on God’s wisdom and not
his own. In the 89-year history of this congregation we’ve had two elders and zero deacons.
Candidate must be someone with strong leadership characteristics, enduring and determined to
teach, train and “appoint” men selected by the congregation to the office of elder and deacon “to set
right the things lacking” for the edification and growth of the church. In addition, candidate must
be a man of integrity, truthful and willing to work with the brethren in maintaining the weekly
administration of the building, church programs and the spiritual health of the saints.

Youth ministry is a vital aspect of church life. He and his family should also be active in church
ministries and employ creative and effective outreach methods to reach this important demographic.

Preferred characteristics:
Experience in Church Administration
Strong organizational and planning skills with the ability to execute
Ordained or established elders and deacons
Bi-lingual in English and Spanish
Minimum of 5 years of preaching experience in the church of Christ
Church growth through sound preaching and effective teaching

If you would like to be considered for this position, please submit your resume via the email address
below. Submit by mail audio or video media of two sermons and a concise statement (1-2 pages)
that characterizes your current ministry efforts and style. If sermons are on YouTube or other social
media platforms, please email links and the 1-2-page statement with your resume. Please ensure
resume list preferably elders and deacons as references, if applicable. Please mail or email this
information to:

Laurel Street Church of Christ
Minister Search Committee
1747 W. Laurel Street, San Antonio, TX 78201
If you have any questions, please contact Bro. Berdell Lindsey @ 210-872-4271 or Bro. Carroll Williams @

Pulpit Minister

Murray Street Church of Christ - Rockdale, TX

Murray Street Church of Christ Minister Job Description
PURPOSE: This is a minister position to serve the Lord with a passion and sincere love for God in the area of Pulpit Minister. This ministry is to promote growth in relationship with the Lord, with one another and outreach to the lost. The purpose is to glorify God in word, worship and daily lives.

Scope of Responsibilities
The Pulpit Minister will work within the vision of the Murray Street Church of Christ, under the direction of the Eldership and as a member of the ministry team. Provide Leadership for planning and coordinating of activities, functions and events of the Murray Street Church. Expected to be the leader and provide the guidance necessary to get the most and best results from the ministry programs. Coordinate ministry planning and facilitation and keep the Elders advised. His live must be a model that demonstrates he is a faithful Christian, husband and/or father. Set a proper example of Christian behavior at all times.

• Accountable to the Elders.
• Pulpit Preaching
o Preach at Sunday Services
• Teaching
o Teach a Bible study class Sunday mornings.
o Teach a Bible study class or devotional Wednesday evenings.
• Visit members, shut-ins, nursing homes and visitors regularly.
• Coordinate planned ministry/congregational activities that reflect Biblical objectives.
• Provide a monthly status report to the Elders concerning contacts, activities, issues, concerns and needs.
• Available as needed/as applicable on days off (special circumstances, funerals, emergencies, etc.)
• Develop relationships outside the Church ad within the community. Participate in community activities.
• Lead the establishment of written goals for the overall ministry program and have a plan on how to accomplish and reach goals
each year. Review with the Eldership prior to implementing.
• Family participates as a family unit within the church.
• Coordinate with other worship leaders to plan and execute the congregation’s worship service including singing, prayers and
• Advise the Elders of any special problems, issues and/or conflicts with the congregation
• Attend all scheduled church services and fellowships.
• Develop sermons/themes for preaching which are consistent with the direction of the Elders.
• Edit, write articles and insure quality of monthly bulletins.
• Maintain availability by phone and schedule regular office hours and days off.
• Annual performance evaluation with the Elders.
• Professional Attire required for Sunday Morning Pulpit Preaching.
• Provide counseling to those who desire it including pre-marital counseling when needed.
• Offer referral and encourage further help for those who need additional help.
• Member of the Church of Christ
• Strong faith and commitment to the call of serving the Lord as a pulpit minister.
• Excellent interpersonal skills both verbal and written as well as a demonstrated ability to lead Bible study, organize activities,
communicate ideas and use time effectively.
• Bachelor’s degree with Bible major preferred, but not required. Those without a degree who have successful ministry
experience will be considered.

Send Resume to Allen Sanders – awsanders72@gmail.com


Lewiston Church Of Christ

The Church of Christ, in Lewiston Idaho, is seeking a full-time Preacher/Evangelist:
• Applicants must be a graduate of a preaching school or a Bible college affiliated with the Churches of Christ.
• Must have a solid understanding of the authority of the Bible and the ability to interpret scripture using commands, examples and necessary inferences.
• Must understand and have the ability to preach and teach the whole council of God.
• Must have good verbal and written communication skills.
• Must have good social skills.
The Lewiston Church of Christ strives to follow the pattern of the New Testament Church that was established by our Lord and found in Scripture.  We have two Elders and four deacons; our attendance averages about 100 for Sunday Worship. To learn more about us please visit lewistonchurchofchrist.org and/or our Facebook page.
Interested applicants should submit a Cover Letter and Resume via email to: jbieren58@gmail.com or by mail to: Lewiston Church of Christ, Attention Elders, 828 Cypress Street, Lewiston, ID 83501.

Minister/ Evangelist

Wilkesboro Church of Christ

www.wilkesborochurch.org (being rebuilt)

The Wilkesboro church of Christ is looking for a new full-time minister. The minister will work under the oversite of our elders. Responsibilities will include preaching and teaching our church family and members to fulfill our goal of increasing our knowledge and grow in faith and service to God. Additionally, our minister works with members and leadership to reach out to the growing Wilkes community that has potential for a great harvest of souls for our Lord.
The Wilkesboro church of Christ is a well-established congregation located in the foothills of north-western North Carolina. The church has been in Wilkes since the 1950’s. There are elderly Christians, parents with young children and teens and some singles. Wilkesboro is a great place to live and raise a family.

Send resume with link to video or audio of preaching and/or teaching to email: daleisom@shmgmt.biz.

Contact: Dale Isom
Phone: 336-927-0845


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