Solar Player News from the Mission Fields

Following are some of the reports we have received from those who have distributed or received Solar Players during the past 18 months as we tested the effectiveness of the Solar Player Project in various mission fields in Africa.
Behailu Abebe, Dean of Ethiopia Bible Institute
“I find these lessons very useful and practical to teach it in our Level II classes and even may be invite those who graduated long time ago and have them to study it. It is a marvelous and spectacular lessons and it worth our time and effort to study it. It will definitely recharge the evangelists as it did to me. I have to come recognize how little I know of the Bible! These courses are well written and it will be very beneficial to all and everyone who wants to serve the Lord. We are using this audio lesson every Friday night in my home and I tell you, all of us are enjoying it. It worth thousands of dollars to receive these lessons at SIBI but it is available for us to use it for free, Wow! Let us disclose these valuable and priceless teachings to those who preach the gospel every day.”
Ken Hargesheimer on his “AG Mission” to Ghana
In his report when he returned, Ken described his meeting with the President of the Agricultural Association and his translator, to whom he had given Papyrus Players: “Truitt Adair had given me five Papyrus Audio Players…to give to people. They have enough volume for 200 people… Theo said he was going back to his room to listen to his Papyrus Player. This is an evangelism tool deluxe! Went to breakfast at 7:00 AM. Theo came out and was listening to his Papyrus…At 1:00 PM Theo and several others were working on Association papers. He was playing his Papyrus loud till after 2:00.”
Maxwell Whea, Preacher in Monrovia, Liberia
“I am confused whom to give the one myself is using. Many preachers in local churches are coming to ask for the solar as it is helping them study and read the bible easier. I am going to give mine to one preacher from very far away in Grand Gedeh about two days drive from Monrovia where I live. Is there a way that we can few again? Please let me know if it is possible.”
“As we conclude our 3rd Quarter of Rural Evangelism especially with those we gave the solar audio, we are pleased to report that the solar is working well. Here are some results from few of those who got it.We received ten audios and gave them out. In Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, 3 persons obeyed the gospel when Bro. S. Handel Doe used it to study with them. In Gorblee, where I am doing the preacher training, one of the students Josephus Kaimue used it to study with a family Mr. John Jackson , his wife and older son obeyed the Gospel. They have asked us to go into their town to start a church. What an opportunity. We intend to do that when the rain stops. Zeeblee Town Church of Christ- Bro. Ujah James used this audio and converted Achie Boy who was former secretary of Holy Jerusalem Church. Thompson Jessey Town Church of Christ. Samuel Peters used it, and Dee Dolo was baptized. Unfortunately these brethren have no means to camera to photograph anything. It is my prayer that we will do better to accomplish such report with photos.”
Charles Jokonya, Zimbabwe Orphans Program (ZOP)
“I have to thank God for providing audio player through ZOP. This asset has done a lot in God ‘s Kingdom. I am using this radio to read God‘s word every day in our family devotion. As a family we are spending 30 minutes listening to the Bible. We have begun with NT books and right now we are in the book of Luke. As the church we were studying two letter of Paul to the Thessalonians and this asset has done much to educate Christian and to have a better understanding of the book. Right now we are studying Colossians and a good interpretation of the Book is being felt. On July 25, 2013 we held leadership seminar and I also used the audio player to teach Excellence in Leadership. On July 13, 2013 we had a fellowship and for about 40 minutes married couples were taught how to live as Christians. This asset has well researched programs which are fruitful to Christians. I personally use it as a library were I always do my research for my sermons and lessons. As I do door to door preaching I also use it to preach the gospel of Christ. On the 15, August I am hoping to visit Br Magaya Gibson as a family and spend a night there. We are going to hear another lesson again on Spiritual Living for Ministers. With all this to spread god’s message I would like to thank ZOP team through Cory for providing this asset to me. I will make sure that I keep it safe and always use it in the Kingdom of God. God bless you in Jesus ‘s name,”