The story actually begins in 2001, when a Christian family living in Egypt was forced by terrorists to deny their faith and convert to Islam. Two sons and three daughters were forced to convert, but the older son Malak escaped and fled to Cairo. Their mother also fled and sought sanctuary in the Coptic church. Their father did not give up easily, he searched everywhere trying to capture his family and force them to convert.
For over a decade, Malak will trek through Egypt and Italy finally arriving in the German city of Bremen. For the past few years, the congregation of the Lord’s body in Bremen has been reaching out to their new neighbors, refugees from the Middle East. At first, the congregation offered German lessons to the families and individuals displaced by the war and terrorism. As their relationships grew stronger, some of the immigrants began to attend worship services in Bremen. One of those attending was Malak. He grew up as a Coptic Christian but has fought against God for many years. Finally, however, he realized that fighting against God was actually destroying himself and recently he began searching for a “real” (as he puts it) relationship with God. One day, after studying with Elsa Springer in the afternoon and with Rüdiger after that, Malak was baptized into Christ. The joy you see on his face says it all – he rejoices thoroughly in becoming a new creation! Please pray for him.
-Rüdiger Renken