The Arrow that Saved a Life and Countless Souls and a Solar Player

Solar Mission:Send the Light

Donna with Solar Player

A few years ago, Donna Barbour was on the back patio of her home in the Texas Panhandle when she was struck in the neck by a stray arrow that, by all logic, should have killed her, but instead would eventually save her life. The narrow point arrow was shot toward the north by a young neighbor practicing with a powerful compound bow, but the missile ricocheted, went back south, across a couple of fences, through bushes, trees and hanging baskets. It lodged in the right side of Donna’s neck.

The arrow penetrated the quarter-inch space between the jugular vein and the carotid artery without nicking either. Donna was airlifted to the hospital with an arrow protruding from her neck. The arrow was safely removed in surgery, but the CT scan revealed that she had a brain tumor, which would be fatal if not removed. A later scan revealed a brain aneurysm that likewise would have Quote from Donna Barbourbeen deadly. Donna believes (and who could successfully dispute it) that divine providence guided that arrow in its highly unlikely trajectory to reveal the hidden dangers which would have taken her life if not treated quickly. Donna is a faithful Christian and a member of the Sunray Church of Christ, a very generous Solar Mission partner church that promotes periodic special contributions to send Solar Players around the world. Donna and her husband Ed participated in the donation efforts each time the opportunity was presented, but she was looking for a way to do more. This year she sent her amazing story to Reader’s Digest and it was published in the July/August 2020 edition. (You can read more fascinating insights and information about her story in that publication.) Donna dedicated the fee she was paid for her story to the Solar Mission. The Solar Players she will provide to a qualified person in a receptive part of the world will save many souls. 

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