Texas A&M - Commerce College Ministry

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Texas A&M - Commerce College Ministry

Commerce Church of Christ

The Commerce Church of Christ, in Commerce, Texas is looking for a Campus Minister to support the Texas A&M University – Commerce Lions for Christ (LFC) ministry. Commerce is located approximately 67 miles East of downtown Dallas. The university has an active student body of over 7,000 students. The LFC serves as a family, support system, and a Christian home away from home. The ministry mission is to walk college students into a relationship with God and His kingdom, with the primary focus being evangelism. Maintaining a regular program of spiritual development will be expected. The Campus Minster must establish and maintain a presence in the local community and maintain weekly office hours. The ideal candidate will be a married man with a strong Biblical background and a family supportive of his ministry. Work and lead the students to fulfill the LFC mission, purpose, and programs. The LFC Campus Minister will need to be active in raising support for the LFC. The Commerce Church of Christ provides financial support, but we pray for sponsoring congregations and/or members that would help financially support this work as well. To send a resume, request church data, or to request a complete job description, please email Chuck Tull at commerce.lfc.search@gmail.com. Please have resume's sent by May 22nd. Thanks!

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