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Other Ministry Job Listings
Job Title: Minister
Location: Capitan Church of Christ, Capitan, NM
Salary: TBD (30-35k)
Benefits: 3 bedroom 2 bathroom parsonage included with all bills paid
Job Type: Full-time
Job Description:
Capitan Church of Christ is seeking a minister to join our small congregation. Our church has an average attendance of approximately 50 people and we are looking for a dynamic individual to help us grow our congregation and strengthen our community. We are a loving congregation that’s known for service. We are willing to work with first time ministers/new graduates!
Preach sermons during Sunday services that are biblically-based, relevant, and engaging
Lead and participate in Sunday school classes and other small group meetings
Develop and lead a youth ministry program for our after school program
Provide spiritual guidance and counseling to members of the congregation
Participate in community outreach efforts and events
Bachelor's degree in ministry or Preaching School preferred, but not required with experience.
Strong biblical knowledge and theological understanding
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
Ability to work collaboratively with church leadership and members
Experience working with youth is preferred
If you are interested in this position, please submit your resume and a cover letter in PDF to
We look forward to hearing from you!