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Other Ministry Job Listings
Farmerville church of Christ
• Louisiana
Position: Full-time pulpit minister
Address: 306 East Franklin Street, Farmerville, LA
Elders: 3
Deacons: 3
Compensation: Negotiable with 4-bedroom parsonage and utilities provided.
Time off: Annual vacation and seminar attendance will be provided.
Days off: Two days of the minister’s choice
Contact Info: Ron Hudoba – Elder - 318-614-0950 or
The Farmerville church of Christ in Farmerville, LA, is seeking an enthusiastic, sound, full-time pulpit minister to help the elders teach and lead our members and to reach the lost in our community. The Sunday morning worship attendance averages 90 / 95. We are a mission minded church supporting 2 children’s homes and for over 40 years the primary supporter of Spanish Mission. We are looking for a man who will help us with the pulpit role and some basic youth activities as well.
Farmerville is in northern Louisiana about 30 miles from the Arkansas border. We are 25 miles north of Ruston, LA and 30 miles northwest of Monroe, LA (both are on Interstate 20).
Farmerville is a mature congregation, but we have a desire to attract younger members as well. We are looking for a younger family man and his wife, if possible, with children. During the school year, we feed the kids and their parents every Wednesday before classes. In addition, elderly and some singles also participate.
The candidate needs to be a graduate of one of our Christian Colleges or schools of preaching. A minimum of 3 years of experience is desired. A detailed resume of school and work experience with references and sample of preaching will be requested. We are a traditional congregation with acapella singing and a mission mindset.