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Other Ministry Job Listings
Youth and Family Minister
The Southern Hills Church of Christ in Buda, Texas, located just south of Austin is searching for a full time Youth Minister. Our congregation of 175+ members is currently served by four elders, 9 deacons, 1 full-time and 1 part time ministers - a pulpit minister and a part time family minister, and a part-time administrative assistant. The ideal candidate for the Youth Minister position will be a married man, full of energy, with a heart for teens and a great desire to minister to children of all ages. If you are interested in this position, please e-mail your resume with references and salary requirements to
Southern Hills is looking for a youth minister with a heart for all ages. We need someone to help organize our children’s programs and build a robust youth group. The youth minister’s mission at Southern Hills will be to prepare our youth for a lifetime relationship with Christ. This individual’s main concern will be leading our teenagers in spiritual and personal development to become a Christ-like servant. They will lead the youth and children’s activities, outreach programs, and youth services within the church. The youth minister will be disciplined, self-motivated, and organized, as well as possess good communication skills, spiritual maturity, and a good understanding of the Bible. He should also be able to demonstrate that being a Christian at any age is fulfilling through attitude and actions.