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Other Ministry Job Listings
Pulpit Minister
Central Church of Christ in San Jose, California is currently looking for a pulpit minister who is experienced in preaching with church of Christ congregations (3-5 years preferred), dedicated to the accurate presentation of Scripture, and able to show the relevance of its message to today's culture. The ideal candidate is a family man capable of teaching and connecting with members of all ages. He promotes personal evangelism by example and has successfully brought souls to Christ through baptism.
Central is an ethnically diverse group of over 80 members in our church family coming together in a city of over 1 million. Our aim is to show the love of Christ to the community around us and, in so doing, lead them to an obedience of the gospel. In the absence of elders, we have a committee-based leadership composed of deacons and other appointed members. We believe in the authority of Scripture and hold that baptism is essential to salvation. Our public worship assemblies are led exclusively by males and involve a cappella singing.
If interested, please send your resume, personal and professional references, and a link to a video of one of your sermons to
We are able to offer a generous compensation package, including paid medical premiums, and a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house for the ministers use.
Additional information may be requested along with a remote interview. You may also be requested to visit us in San Jose, with travel expenses provided. During this visit we will conduct a face-to-face interview and you will be asked to preach a sermon and teach an adult class at a Sunday morning worship service.