Phase III Complete!!
Two years of fund-raising are complete, and 3,000 solar players have been delivered. Thank you to every one of you who made this the largest phase yet in the Solar Mission to Send the Light. Dozens of trips have been made throughout Central & South America and to Spanish-speaking islands in the Caribbean to help the Spanish-speaking churches to grow through their evangelism and their depth of Bible study. Thousands of your brothers and sisters in Christ have been encouraged and emboldened to spread the Kingdom of God with the assistance they now have from the Solar Players. We do not have room to list all of the thanks that we’ve heard and continue to receive from grateful churches.
See What God Has Done
Because of the generosity of over 200 churches and more than 1,000 individual donors, the Solar Mission has sent out over 8,500 solar-powered audio players over the past four years in four different languages, to over 50 countries on six different continents. Each phase received more money above the goal allowing Sunset to deliver additional solar players to more places beyond the original plans. Our office has just completed processing our 10,000th solar player in anticipation of completing the next phase. God has truly blessed us with a great ministry, but more than that, He has used churches and individuals like you to send the light of the Gospel all over the world in ways that would not have been possible 15 years ago.
Sending the Light into the Destruction
“For three months I have been sleeping on the floor, now I can sleep in my own bed.” One grateful woman expressed her thanks to Tom Rucker and Doug Reeves, as they helped to complete a new tin roof on her house. Hurricane Maria, the strongest hurricane to hit Puerto Rico in 85 years, left many homes without roofs and uninhabitable. As the residents of Puerto Rico wait for governmental help, many congregations of the Lord’s Body are not waiting; they are helping. The Arecibo Church of Christ coordinated workers from Madison Ave. Church of Christ in Madison, Tennessee, and Sunset to clean, paint, repair roofs and generally rebuild homes and hope. Tom and Doug worked with Jim Guillette to provide solar players for the churches that are working to rebuild after the devastation.
Celebrating All that God Has Done
Over the past two years, God has done so much in all the countries where the solar players have been delivered. One amazing aspect has been how many different partners and brotherhood ministries have welcomed working together to use the solar players in new and inventive ways. From our partner school, Cuban Bible Institute, to Biblical Institute of Central America in Guatemala and on south to the Quito School of Biblical Studies in Ecuador, many have begun using the Solar Players in new and effective ways. At one distribution time in Mexico, a woman took a solar player so that the Gospel could be heard in an area controlled by a drug cartel. One young man in Guatemala uses his solar player in his ministry as a clown where he entertains people in the park. Solar players are being used by young church planters from at least five different training schools in Central & South America are using solar players to help them in preparation of their own lessons and in the training of new leaders.
Bolivia, Columbia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela have all been touched through the Sol to Soul effort that began 24 months ago. Solar players are now working as 3,000 points of light sharing the Gospel with so many. God has worked through your many gifts to bring about something incredible happen. Thank you.
Sending the Light to a Gateway to Asia
We have already taken aim at the next target for the Solar Mission. Deliveries of 2,000 more solar players are beginning to fill the island nation of the Philippines with the Word of God and the in-depth biblical training that comes through the Solar Mission. With over 800 congregations already established, the church in the Philippines is poised and ready to spread the Word of God throughout the 7,000 islands of their nation and throughout Southeast Asia as Filipinos travel and work in the entire region.
This mission will be completed by the end of 2018. We are raising $1 million dollars to deliver all 2,000 solar players. Sunset and the church in the Philippines are depending on you and your congregation to help support this effort. This money will also fund the continuing development of other translations for future phases, including Arabic, Creole, Telugu, French, and Mandarin.
Consider how many solar players you want to supply to help the church in the Philippines spread the Kingdom of God. A complete promotional packet will be mailed soon to churches. If you would prefer to have the packet sent to you, so you can take it to your church leadership, please let us know at or 806-788-3214.