
Full-Time Pulpit Minister

Falls Church Church of Christ

To minister to the Falls Church congregation, specifically on preaching the Word to the community and those living in the surrounding area. To develop a continuing program of work that emphasizes teaching God’s Word, living by the Spirit, and encouraging others. This program will support the overall mission, vision, and goals of the Falls Church congregation.

1. That each member is committed to Jesus and His teachings
2. That each member is involved in wholesome activities in a spirit of fellowship
3. That each member receives appropriate instruction for leadership in God’s kingdom
4. That each member be molded into a working, serving, and growing Christian


Items A - H should comprise 75% of the minister’s time.

A. Work under the oversight and direction of the elders.
B. Provide the leadership and motivation to involve every church member in some aspect of the church’s local work.
C. In coordination with the Education Committee, develop a program of teaching and preaching, including specific objectives to meet the congregation’s goals.
D. Present positive, challenging, and motivating sermons to preach during the regular assemblies of the Church of Christ in Falls Church congregation except at such times as the Elders approve guest speakers, during attendance at continuing education events, during vacations, or during periods of illness.
E. Teach a class on Sundays and Wednesdays as requested by the Education Committee.
F. Promote and encourage all the ministries of the Church of Christ in Falls Church congregation.
G. Develop and lead a new program designed to increase the public profile of the congregation and reach non-believers in the surrounding community.
H. Ensure the strengthening and spiritual growth of the Falls Church congregation takes precedence over outside commitments.

Items I - K should comprise 25% of the minister’s time.

I. Perform pastoral duties -- visit members in their homes, when hospitalized, or as other special needs may arise -- to strengthen and enhance the spiritual ties uniting our membership
J. Meet and participate with the Elders at all regular meetings.
K. Supervise all church staff, including the associate minister and the secretary (making sure someone is in the office during office hours), prepare and administer the office operational budget, and maintain regular office hours.

Pulpit Minister

Warrenton Church of Christ

Warrenton Church of Christ in Virginia is seeking a full-time pulpit minister and evangelist. Duties include Sunday morning sermons, leading Bible classes, fostering discipleship, and community outreach. The candidate has a degree in Bible (preferred) and 6 years of experience as a Church of Christ senior minister. We desire a family-oriented minister to help us know, show, and share Christ. Competitive salary and benefits based on education and experience.

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