The war in Ukraine continues, and we continue to pray for an end to the destruction faced by the Ukrainians. But despite the war, God continues to care for his people and use them to bring help to others, just like our brothers who continue to speak the Gospel even as they deliver necessities to the hurting. In times of crisis, it is natural to limit activity and withdraw from danger, but God calls us to step into hurting and broken lives. Even though we are working to supply and provide for our Ukrainian brothers and sisters, they are the ones encouraging the body of Christ to act and step out in faith.
As the crisis continues, Christians are taking more opportunities to minister to the needs they have around them. SIBI is using the funds collected over the past three months to empower these Christians to act on the opportunities God presents to them. The Poznyaki Church of Christ has spread out from Kyiv and is utilizing the location where God has placed them to provide for others. We mentioned a larger humanitarian effort that formed as the last update was sent out. Since many of the Poznyaki members are currently living in Sopot, they partnered with the Polish Christians to purchase large amounts of humanitarian aid, from staple foods to cleaning supplies and personal care items. They place the supplies in a warehouse just inside the border. A van from Ukraine comes across to pick up the supplies and takes them back into Ukraine. The needed commodities arrive at a rendezvous site where cars and vans, driven by our brothers, ferry the supplies to Ukrainian towns and villages. Natasha Maliuga writes from Sopot:
We all work together for His glory to help the needy! Our men in Ukraine will be delivering that help to specific places. One of the last deliveries was to a small town in the Chernovitsky region. There is a refugee camp there with about 30 children. The administration there is currently making preparations to receive more families with children from eastern Ukraine, and they are planning a children's camp for them for two weeks with different activities. As our men bring food to those places in Ukraine, they don't only bring the products that we are able to bring from Poland, but they also learn of specific needs of the places where they go. And for each of those places they purchase additional items - in most cases, those are fruits and vegetables, but for this particular place, they also brought plates, cups, and craft supplies for children. But with all that help, the main help is always prayer and spiritual conversations with the parents and administration. The seeds are always planted!
The team on this mission is working on the process to determine what is most efficient and effective. They delivered three loads in May that were distributed to 11 locations within Ukraine, but they have experienced delays from the government for the next delivery.
SIBI's Global Relief Ministry is still sending funds to other ministries and churches working in many of the same ways. From providing for the refugees in the Gemunden camp in Germany to supplying money to the Volunteer Brothers to paying $50 for groceries for a starving family, SIBI is working with our partners to ensuree God's people have the funds needed to bring good news to people who are hurting.
- Pray that the churches can continue ministering and providing for others.
- Pray that this will continue to open doors for the Gospel to be preached.
- Pray for an end to this war and the loss of life.