Solar Stories

Solar Mission:Send the Light

Solar Update - March 2021

600 Million People in Sub-Saharan Africa Live Without Access to Electricity and Many Without Access to God’s Word

Access to Electricity in Africa

Solar Update - November 2020


The Arrow that Saved a Life and Countless Souls and a Solar Player

Donna with Solar Player

A few years ago, Donna Barbour was on the back patio of her home in the Texas Panhandle when she was struck in the neck by a stray arrow that, by all logic, should have killed her, but instead would eventually save her life. The narrow point arrow was shot toward the north by a young neighbor practicing with a powerful compound bow, but the missile ricocheted, went back south, across a couple of fences, through bushes, trees and hanging baskets. It lodged in the right side of Donna’s neck.

Mission Heroes & Solar Players

Emmanuel Essien with one of the men who was baptized after listening to the lessons on the solar player.In Nigeria, the name C.A.O. Essien is as legendary and familiar to our brethren as Alexander Campbell is to those who know about the Restoration Movement in the United States. Essien requested a Bible correspondence course from a church in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1950 and began to preach the Gospel he had learned.

Solar Update: Preaching the Gospel During a Global Pandemic

Family in Zimbabwe listening to the Solar Player for Worship

When we began the large distribution of Solar Players in 2014, Zimbabwe was one of the first recipient nations. Our partner school, Mutare School of Preaching and its director Nhamo Marunga, led the way in helping us to put over 900 Solar Players into the hands of the right people in one of the most receptive nations in our world. After six years, most of those Solar Players are still preaching and teaching the gospel. Recently brother Marunga said this:

“When the Solar Player project started, we did not know that a global pandemic would come. We have used the Solar Players in evangelism, Bible classes, preacher training, leadership workshops, prisons, and hospitals, far and wide. In Zimbabwe, we were not spared from the pandemic and lock downs. Families are now able to listen to the songs, Bible lessons, sermons, and Bible readings from their Solar Players. What a blessing.”


Reaching the Rural World with the Word of God