Solar Stories

Solar Mission:Send the Light

Solar Report-Portuguese Creole Begin

Solar Player in Mozambique

10,000+ Solar Players Delivered
Supported by almost 300 churches & over 1,700 individuals
4 Languages Reached
5 Continents Reached
Over 50 Countries with Solar Players
Churches Established Around the World
Kingdom Impact – IMMEASURABLE

Thank you to all who have been a part of the Solar Mission. In five years, God has done some amazing things.

10,000 Solar Players Around the World

Chris Swinford handing Ed-Mark Delacion the 10,000th Solar Player

Please rejoice with us as we celebrate a significant milestone in the Solar Mission. This summer the 10,000th solar player was placed in the hands of Ed-Mark Delacion, in the Philippines. Ed-Mark is a young professional, living in Manila who plans to use his solar player to establish a church in his home village. He also has a second solar player to help him continue to study while he is working in Manila. When he returns to the village, the studies can be deeper and more beneficial, as the young Christians grow in their knowledge and depth of insight.

Phase 4 Solar Update 07/2018

Solar Mission Philippines

One of the primary distributions for the Solar Mission Philippines happened last week. From the initial accounts, it was a great week with many Filipinos being so appreciative of the gift of the solar player for their ministry. The main event was a part of the Heritage Bible College Lectures. The distribution was the biggest of the year and puts us well on our way to distributing the 2,000 solar players promised by the end of the year. There were 590 distributed at the lectures which brings the total delivered to the Philippines for the year to 955.

Phase 4 06/2018

Solar Mission Philippines

Brian Garnett giving players outThe Solar Mission to distribute 2,000 Solar Players throughout the islands of the Philippines is well underway.  Almost one third of the money has been raised and distributions will take up most of the rest of the year to complete the task. At the same time, we are still getting requests from South America and Africa for additional solar players to help fill the needs there.

Planning and Dreaming

In March, Brian Garnett took 150 players to distribute at a church conference with over 1,500 in attendance. The players were given to church leaders. Brian reported that there were 150 very happy people and 1,350 that were very disappointed. While Brian was on an earlier trip, a congregation contacted Sunset about getting a player to a preacher they knew in Cebu. Brian was able to reach Manuel Daliwa and another preacher at a McDonald’s. Since that time, Manuel has planted two churches in the mountains and baptized many using the solar player to help teach.

Phase III Complete!!

Two years of fund-raising are complete, and 3,000 solar players have been delivered. Thank you to every one of you who made this the largest phase yet in the Solar Mission to Send the Light. Dozens of trips have been made throughout Central & South America and to Spanish-speaking islands in the Caribbean to help the Spanish-speaking churches to grow through their evangelism and their depth of Bible study. Thousands of your brothers and sisters in Christ have been encouraged and emboldened to spread the Kingdom of God with the assistance they now have from the Solar Players.


Reaching the Rural World with the Word of God