Solar Stories

Solar Mission:Send the Light

Phase III Beginning Stages

As we announced in the last update, Phase III is taking the solar-powered audio players into Spanish-speaking Latin America. Many lessons have been learned from Phase II where the material was translated into Amharic for Ethiopia. Sunset has been working over the past several months to finish the courses in Spanish so that there will be a complete set of classes ready to go.

Phase II Complete

With a final trip in December 2015 to Ethiopia to deliver and distribute the solar-powered audio players in Amharic, Phase II of the Solar Event was completed. This special occasion concludes the year-long efforts by Sunset and our ministry partners around the world that have given and prayed to make this possible. Our prayers now continue that God will take our efforts and multiply their effect for the glory of His kingdom.

Handing out of the Solar Players is complete

Phase II - Thank You


Baptism in Kenya

For the second year, you have responded to this incredible opportunity to help the Kingdom of God grow. With just under three months left in the year, you helped us reach the goal of funding 2,000 solar-powered audio players to be delivered to Ethiopia, South Sudan, Kenya and Nigeria. Three-quarters of the solar players have already been delivered and are in use. The rest will be delivered in two remaining trips, including the delivery of the solar players to Ethiopia with the Sunset materials and the Bible in Amharic.  We will report on this milestone around the first of the year.

More Solar Players to Nigeria and Distribution Passes Halfway

Truitt and Doug with leaders on Sunday morning

Phase II Halfway Complete

With the latest trip to Nigeria the distribution of 2,000 solar-powered audio players in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Nigeria, and Kenya has passed the halfway point.

Truitt and PaulTruitt Adair and Doug Reeves returned from a very productive and rewarding mission to Nigeria in May.  They spoke at the West Nigeria Christian College Preachers' Workshop and Graduation and distributed 200 solar players to the Nigerian preachers and church leaders who attended.  Paul Akinwale was a student at Lagos School of Preaching (1973-76) during the time that Truitt and his family served as missionaries in Lagos, Nigeria.  Paul is one of only two graduates from that school still alive.  Paul is still faithfully preaching after almost 40 years and he brought several of his converts with him, who are also now preaching in Nigerian congregations.

Solar Event Report from Kenya

First Deliveries!

Phase II of using hand held solar powered audio players (solar players) has been launched and is already being implemented. Even as the nationwide funding effort continues, steps of faith were taken as deliveries, distribution and training have already begun.


Geoffrey Njoroge


Reaching the Rural World with the Word of God