Solar Stories

Solar Mission:Send the Light

Solar Field Report - Zimbabwe, July 2014

Targets for Phase IMy recent trip to Zimbabwe was mainly for the distribution of the solar players.  The primary avenue of distribution was through the faculty and students of the Mutare School of Preaching.  The first solar player was given to the Chairman of the Board of the school who works with several congregations to the southwest of Mutare.

Solar Field Report - Liberia, June 2014

African nations of Liberia, Ghana, and ZimbabweIn early June I carried many of the solar players provided by generous donors into Liberia and began distributing them to a large group of preachers that gathered from Monrovia, Liberia Bible College, the surrounding area and rural villages in the Grand Bassa area.  We were blessed to distribute 124 players at the seminar held in Monrovia. The preachers were so excited to have this teaching and study tool at their disposal.


Reaching the Rural World with the Word of God